
Product Enquiry


Electrode for Low, Medium Carbon & Allot Steel

PARTAP 100 is a low heat input electrode for on low & medium carbon steel & alloy steels. The deposits resist to mild abrasion, heavy impact & pressure & also high toughness & resistance to deformation. Weld deposits are machinable & free from porosity. 2 to 3 layers of weld deposition is possible.

Applications : Sugar Pinions, Gears, Idlers, Conveyor Screws, Sprockets, Pump Shafts, Mixer blades.

Hardness: 28-32 ( As Deposited ) 30-36 ( Work Harden )

Current Amps
3.15×350 90-100
4.00×350 110-150
5.00×350 140-180